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Counselling - RCC

Counselling provide by a Registered Clinical Counsellor

Counselling - RSW

Counselling services provided by a Registered Social Worker.

Counselling - Intern

Counselling services provided by an Intern completing their Masters in Counselling Psychology. Supervised by a Registered Clinical Counsellor. Rates starting at $60 and covered by insurance providers in most cases (please ask for details).


First, I’d like to commend you on taking the first step towards finding a new counsellor - I know the experience can be overwhelming. If you are feeling lost and alone, I am here to help. You may be struggling to connect in your relationships, feeling disconnected from everything around you, grappling with intense emotions, looking to process difficult experiences, or hoping to learn more coping skills. Whatever you may be working on, I aim to create a safe, non-judgmental space grounded in authenticity, trust, and respect. It would be an honour to walk alongside you on your journey.

How Can I Help

I believe in the healing power of relationships. As your counsellor, it’s my job to create a safe and contained space where you can look within, develop a deeper relationship with yourself, process difficult experiences, learn new skills, and celebrate your wins.

I work from a trauma-informed, culturally-attuned and anti-oppressive lens. My approach is primarily guided by Person-Centered Therapy and Internal Family Systems (IFS). Person-Centered Therapy emphasizes the healing potential of a genuine, authentic connection between therapist and client. Internal Family Systems is a deeply transformative approach that uses “parts work” to help us accept and integrate all parts of ourselves, including those we may want to reject. I also bring in elements from different evidence-based therapeutic modalities such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), Mindfulness-Based Therapy (MBCT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT). I will use techniques from a variety of different therapeutic modalities to meet your unique needs and goals.

My main areas of specialization are depression, anxiety, and complex post-traumatic stress disorder. I also work with youth (13+), and have a wealth of experience supporting teens through challenges such as anxiety, depression, trauma, self-harm, and suicidality, as well as providing gender-affirming and neurodivergence-affirming support.

If we sound like a good fit, please don’t hesitate to reach out! When you first get in touch with me, we will set up a 15-20 minute video or phone call to talk about your goals for therapy. This gives you a chance to feel out if we are a good fit with no pressure.

Who I Am

My background is in psychology and neuropsychology. Over the past decade, I have worked in a variety of roles in nonprofits, hospitals, schools, and multidisciplinary clinics, as a youth and family counsellor, outreach worker, educational assistant, and psychometrist. I am currently completing my Master of Counselling at City University and am excited to be working with Moxie Health and Wellness as an intern counsellor.

>I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become. -Carl Jung

Welcome! First, I’d like to commend you on taking the first step towards finding a new counsellor... Read More


Do you struggle with anxiety, depression, PTSD, challenging relationships, addictions, emotional stability, or insomnia? Do you feel a loss of self that affects your daily life, relationships, or the ability to feel motivated day-to-day? Do you feel overwhelmed, frustrated, lost, or drained just trying to get through the day? Do you find yourself wondering if your life could be better?

Now more than ever, individuals are feeling overwhelmed with anxiety, relationships, moving past traumatic experiences, and finding their overall place in life. Not addressing these challenges can lead to poor quality of life, reduced social interactions, self-doubt, and more. I truly believe there is hope for everyone to live their desired life, and my goal is to help clients find their path to happiness.

How Can I Help

I believe in the power of Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy to help clients find their way to a more peaceful place in their lives. It is the primary therapy I use but I also believe in collaborating with you to provide an approach that works best for you. At Moxie Health & Wellness, we offer a safe, inclusive, client-specific experience, so you can feel heard, find the ways to move forward, and take the first steps toward living a happier and healthier life.

Who I Am

I am truly passionate about helping people and am very grateful for the opportunity to join my clients in their journey to a healthier life. In my free time, I enjoy travelling, long road trips, spending time with my husband, daughters, and two beagles, watching sports, and reading. I also enjoy hiking, kayaking, and exploring the wonders and beauties of Vancouver Island and all that it has to offer.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.” -Winston Churchill-

Welcome! Do you struggle with anxiety, depression, PTSD, challenging relationships, addictions, ... Read More


Seeking therapy is often the final act after exhausting every other possibility, and we usually arrive at the decision exhausted ourselves. This can make choosing a therapist overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be hard.

How Can I Help

17 years as a nurse, prior to completing my Master in Counselling, taught me about the powerful connections between mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health, and that dis-ease in one area affects every other. I’ve seen first-hand that when people feel completely safe expressing their full, authentic selves, they can find the courage and strength that got them through hardships in the past, and can use this to create a life of ease, self-acceptance, and joy. It is my honour to facilitate a client’s journey from merely surviving to completely thriving. Replacing judgement with curiosity, together we will create an individualized plan that draws from a variety of therapies: cognitive behavior therapy, dialectic behavior therapy, psychodynamic therapy, emotional focused family therapy, and accelerated resolution therapy. Reach out today for a free consultation to know your options and see if I am the right fit for you.

Who I Am

I was born and raised in Saskatchewan. I slowly migrated towards Vancouver Island in 2000 and once I experienced the ocean, mild weather, and roadside fruit stands I knew I was here to stay. In warm weather you can find me and my kids swimming and paddle boarding in nearby lakes, and rain or shine I am marching through the forest with my two very energetic dogs. I am passionate about learning new things, and in my quieter times you can find me reading or taking classes.

Welcome Seeking therapy is often the final act after exhausting every other possibility, and we u... Read More

Not Accepting New Clients

My goal as a counsellor is to help clients see themselves clearly and to understand that all of the answers they seek are already within them. Asking for help in uncovering these answers is a wise and admirable choice.

I approach counselling from a holistic perspective with a focus on radical acceptance of a whole person and the stories and life experiences they bring with them.

Through creating a safe, welcoming environment for individuals to “be”, I focus on establishing a solid foundation for connection to build and healing to begin.

I am an Intern Counsellor with Moxie Health and Wellness, while simultaneously working to complete a Masters in Counselling Psychology with Yorkville University. I hold previous experience working as a volunteer counsellor, offering free services to those who experienced financial barriers to access counselling.

I am currently taking new clients and am open to seeing anyone ages 14 and older. I see clients that are dealing with anxiety, depression, grief and loss, parenting, boundary setting, life transitions, healthy relationship skills and self-empowerment work.

I work from a person-centered, trauma-informed approach, and primarily utilize the Internal Family Systems approach and framework. However, I also apply Narrative therapy, Emotion-Focused therapy, Mindfulness-based therapies, Solution-focused therapy, as well as others.

I am an avid surfer, yogi, and outdoor activities enthusiast, as well as a big-time animal and nature lover. I believe deeply in the healing power of our natural surroundings. When I am not at work, you can often find me out in the woods or at the beach.

Not Accepting New Clients My goal as a counsellor is to help clients see themselves clearly and ... Read More


Looking for a new therapist can be tough! Sometimes folks are afraid of being judged - they wonder if they’re just too emotional, or doubt that anyone will really understand what they’re going through.

The idea of admitting you need help and reaching out to a stranger for support can be intimidating. This is a big step and I’m glad you’re here.

I bet you’re wondering if I can help you. I’d certainly like to give it a try!

How I can help.

I’m Sarah, and I’d like to make this process as comfortable and effective as possible. Maybe you’re feeling lost in a maze of emotions, or maybe you’ve got some old wounds that just won’t heal. It could be anything from dealing with anxiety, depression, or relationship drama, to coping with loss, trauma, or major life changes. Whatever’s weighing you down, I’ve got your back.

With formal training in critical care nursing and counselling psychology I have gathered several tools and techniques to navigate life’s difficulties.

Picture me as the co-pilot on your healing journey. You’re in the driver’s seat, and I’m here to provide guidance, support, and tools tailored to your needs. I primarily work with individuals using trauma therapies such as Internal Family Systems (IFS), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and Psychedelic Assisted Therapy (PAT) to guide you into a compassionate understanding of yourself and empower you to move forward in a fulfilling way. I bet at some point you’ve felt alone in a dark place. I would be honoured to join you and we’ll find a way out together - you don’t have to do this alone.

Who I am.

I genuinely love my work, but I also love more than work. I have a husband of over two decades and three teenagers I absolutely adore. I enjoy travelling and get a bit restless if I don’t have a trip booked. I also enjoy doing almost any outdoor activity if the weather is nice. I joke that I’m solar powered. I’m not a fan of the rain so if the weather isn’t nice you’ll find me inside, maybe editing photos and videos, woodworking, listening to an audiobook, or playing games with my family. My family and I are pretty settled in the Cowichan Valley (the traditional lands of the Hul’qumi’num People) on Vancouver Island now, but for several years we lived in the Himalayas where my husband taught in the environment program at a college and I offered mental health services to students.

Enough about me. Let’s connect! I’d love to hear more about you.

Welcome! Looking for a new therapist can be tough! Sometimes folks are afraid of being judged - ... Read More

Jill is not currently taking new clients. To be added to her waitlist contact

Hi! Welcoming a counsellor into the process of “doing life” isn’t easy - well done to get this far. Life brings unexpected and incredibly hard curveballs; it also brings everyday ups and downs. I believe we were not meant to navigate it alone and the perspective of a trained counsellor in an unbiased and non-reciprocal role can be immensely helpful. I offer an approach that seeks to understand your unique situation, and works with you to process, problem solve, and move forward towards where you want to be. I have 15 years of experience in various roles supporting people of all walks of life, including as a social worker with those experiencing life altering illness and persistent pain. I also have worked with those who are struggling with life transition, depression, anxiety, chronic stress, the effects of colonial violence, and relationship challenges. I believe it is critical to offer you immensely practical, anti-oppressive, trauma-informed, and hopeful counsel.

I incorporate into my practice somatic body work, systems theory, mindful CBT, attachment theory, psychoeducation, and the power of guided visualizations and I welcome you to draw your spirituality into the process. I look forward to meeting you!

Jill is not currently taking new clients. To be added to her waitlist contact info@moxiehealthand... Read More

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